Being a Mother is OTTER-ly Amazing

Discovery Cove, SeaWorld otters tell my love of being a momI’ll never forget my first Mother’s Day. My husband took me to breakfast with our new bundle of joy. He was so cute, and still at that age where you can strap him in the high chair. I took a bite for me, then cooed in my baby’s direction squeezing a toe or two, then talked with the hubs. Despite severe sleep-deprivation, I was incredibly happy and felt so fortunate to even have a child! (I only had a 30% chance of ever getting pregnant, so he was indeed my miracle.)

Mid-way through the meal, my little guy showed me with action (and lungs) that his diaper needed changing. Although my husband offered, I grabbed a nappy and a wipe from the bag and set off to take care of my “Number One’s” “number two.”

When I got into the bathroom, I discovered that something was rotten in Denmark, and Marcellus ’twas not anywhere to be found (nor any ghost for that matter, although I did lose a bit of color when I saw what was happening!). Not only did my little one do his business… he did it again. And again. This while I had just gotten him out of his old diaper and cleaned off using the one or two wipes I brought with me. (Did I mention I was holding him at arm’s length now, as the diaper changing station was —how shall we say this?!— unusable?)

At long last another guest needed the ladies room. Upon leaving she assured me she’d grab my man who was probably wondering if we had fallen in or something (seeing as we’d been gone a good 15 to 20 minutes by this time).

Long story short, I undressed him and put him in the sink where he began second (or was it third?) bath of the day!

I guess it’s like childbirth where I don’t remember the pain, only the smiles. Eventually my husband knocked on the door then came in to help with the “cleanup on aisle two.” The restaurant provided us with some cleaning rags and towels, and we thankfully had a spare outfit in the car. To this day we still laugh about my first Mother’s Day. It’s the hardest job I’ve ever had. It’s also the one with the most love.

In honor of Mother’s Day, I made an eCard to share. Although my little guy has no siblings to chase like the cute otters in the video, he can still be full of mischief on occasion. As the mommy, though, I just see love, forgive him, and do my best to guide him in right choices. And, yes, I DO think he’s as cute as those little guys!

The river otters were caught on film at a recent visit to
Discovery Cove by SeaWorld,

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